Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow and insantiy.. otherwise known as my nutty life..

It's been a while, hasn't it? Well - other than staying busy at school, we've been plugging along here at home. The below zero wind chills have been keeping me from doing things that I need to do with my students - like go outside or to the library! Jennifer is doing well, she's plugging along as well. She's doing so much better with her homework, not flipping out or temper tantrums. But, it looks as if she will be with us for a very long time - which is fine with us! She is a trip and a half! It's amazing watching her reading develop over the last month - I've seen such improvements in her math, reading and overall attitude. Jen was put in Title 1 reading since she's also in ELL - and both of those have really made improvements! I feel that at her other school, she was not being challenged enough, and here she is. That first week, all was good, then she realized that it was going to be tough the whole entire time - she didn't like that at all! She was even telling her sister that we didn't make her do homework, that she never had any! Yeah... right.... mmmhmmm... NOT! Too funny!!

Today I should be at school having our Christmas party, instead I'm home and we have 4 inches on the ground with another 4 to go! Normally, I'm all about the snow day, but could it have waited till January or February?? Ahhh.. we'll have our party when we get back, now I have to freeze 100 cooked smokie sausages that I cooked last night! It will all work out! I'll post some pictures later today - since I'm still in my pj's and not getting dressed for a while!

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